“四門陣”今派傳承當代水墨展,基于當代水墨藝術數年積淀、水到渠成的蓬勃狀態,將清晰而客觀地呈現其傳承發展的脈絡。展覽第一部分匯聚四位在中國水墨畫創作中成就卓著的藝術家(田黎明、李津、劉慶和、武藝)的新作近5 0幅,這四位藝術家歷經數年探索形成個人繪畫風格,在各自領域獨領風騷,他們在學院教學和藝術創作上也卓有成效,并對藝界產生巨大影響;展覽第二部分則匯聚了二十位青年水墨畫家的一百多幅作品,這些新銳水墨畫家體現了新一代青年人的精神風范,他們功底扎實,以水墨的方式承前啟后,把握時代,直面生活。
Four Square – Contemporary Ink Exhibition
Duration: 6th – 14th March
Venue: 1st, 2nd floor exhibition hall of Building 2
The exhibition presents succession and development context of the contemporary ink clearly and objectively based on the accumulation for several years. The exhibition will be divided into two parts. 50 works by four important artists including Tian Liming, Li Jin, Liu Qinghe and Wu Yi will be exhibited in the first part. These four influential artists have explored the possibilities of ink in their own area for many years and have successfully developed their own unique and distinctive personal styles. In the second part the exhibition focuses on about 100 works by twenty new and rising artists who have inherited the traditional ink form of expression while facing directly to contemporary life.