夏日兒童藝術樂園2008 Children' s Summer Art Playground 2008
圖.畫異想──兒童創意作品展 Images. Drawing Fantasy---Children's Creative works Exhibition 開幕時間 / Opening : 8月30月(星期六/Saturday) 下午四時半 4:30pm, 30 August 2008 展期 / Exhibition Period : 2008年8月30月至10月26日 30 August to 26 October, 2008
All kinds of incredible imagination can be created on a blank sheet of paper. Little artists express their curiosity on paper through different techniques. The little artists in this exhibition are from 80 different schools, presenting their work after their summer art workshop activities, in which they expressed their most honest "Fantasy" .
策展人 / Curator: 簡佩茵 / Kan Pui Ian 主辦 / Organization: 婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies' House Art Space 贊助 / Sponsor: 民政總署 / IACM 文化局 / ICGM 工作坊合辦 / Co-organized: 教青局 / CSEJ 地點 / Venue: 牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse 澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau 開放時間 / Opening time: 12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays 巴士路線 / Bus Line : 1,1A,3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,8A,9,9A,16,17,23,25,26,26A,28C,32,33,34 查詢 / For enquiry: 28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays) 傳真/ Fax:28533047 E –mail:oxwarehosue@gmail.com Website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/
迷你親子劇場 Mini-Family Theatre
牛家有個小火山 volcano in Ox house
演出日期/ Date 2008年9月27日 27th September,2008 14:30,16:30,19:30 2008年9月28日28th September,2008 14:30,16:30 現已有售 繼去年《牛家有間雜物房》后,牛家劇場又來了!大手拉小手,一起走進這個人偶互動的迷你劇場,今次從牛脾氣說起。 A continuation of last year's " Storage Room in Ox house"Let's enter this puppet interacting mini theatre with our parents, this story begins with an angry cow. 演出日期/ Date:2008年9月27日 27th September,200814:30,16:30,19:30 2008年9月28日28th September,200811:00,14:30,16:30 演出地點 / Location:牛房倉庫二樓 / 2nd Floor 售票地點 / Tickets:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse、邊度有書Pinto Livros (28 330909) 票價 / Ticket Price:Mop$25.00 (12歲以下小朋友每人只需Mop$10.00) ($10 each for children ages 12 or below) 語言 / Language:粵語 / Cantonese 故事簡介/ Story Outline: 1-2-3,唔準玩!1-2-3,快D食飯!1-2-3,乖乖地唔準喊!1-2-3,牛家有個小火山!!每個家庭、班房都有一座小火山,隨時爆發唔簡單。牛脾氣遇上壞情緒,爸、媽、老師邊個最為難?? 1-2-3, stop! 1-2-3 , finish your meal! 1-2-3 , be good and stop crying!1-2-3, volcano in ox house!every house, classroom has a volcano, that will explode.mom,dad and teachers, who will be the most upset when angry cow is in bad mood? 編導Director:盧頌寧Lou Chong Neng 創作及特邀演出Creative Direction and Performance:林蘊華Lam Van Va 演出制作Production:足跡step out 本劇最適合4至10歲小朋帶同父母觀看。Children ages between 4-10 and parents are welcome to the show! |