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[專稿] 《縱橫》——劉偉個展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-06-18 10:20:46 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  So, finally in our time of overused images of popular leaders and heroes, standing in front of his canvasses in Liu Wei’s studio, I could see a genuine artist’s clarity as well as his confusion, his exploration and his hard work, as he tried to create a contemporary art from a vocabulary that could easily be dismissed as cliché. Here were all the colors, techniques, styles, symbols and ideas that have been continuously and tirelessly smeared, created, subverted, imitated, flattered, exploited, re-created, re-converted and re-repeated by previous artists.

  However, this time I saw a fresh breakthrough. The creative mind of the artist reflects the fullness and maturity of his 34 years. Still not tamed by the mighty market, the artist is seriously and steadily trying to create his own unique painting language.

  The “Dimensions” paintings series were completed between 2005 and 2008. The viewer will see through the ink surfaces of these portraits of leaders, popular heroes, beauties and beasts, and find an aesthetic experience of optical illusion, distortion and blurring. After a process of self-examination and discovery, finding his own answers to the limitations of the dimensions of the canvas as well as its possibilities, Liu Wei is currently working in a three dimensional space to explore his creativity. This exhibition contains Liu Wei’s debut installation. He is, as he puts it, “very satisfied” with it.

  Just like with love, the process is more important than the outcome. The bitterness and difficulties of Liu Wei’s work only make the final taste richer and more sweet, just like a love story. Now Liu Wei has only just taken his girl by the hand, and hopes to experience many more passions and unknown mysteries, without ever suffering the curse of boredom.

  Let us watch and see!


  Liu Wei
  1974, born in Nantong, Jiangsu province.
  Lives in Beijing.

  2008 March Art/ Felix Ringel Gallery Beijing, Bejing
  2008 Mindscapes, Yan Club Art Centre, Hong Kong
  2007 Art Beijing Art Fair, Beijing
  2007 Harmony Hegezhuang No.1 Art Zone, Beijing
  2007 Beijing Dashanzi Art Festival, Beijing
  2007 Suoluo Gallery, Beijing
  2006 Dashanzi Art Festival, Beijing
  2005 Beijing International Arts Biannual, Beijing

  三月空間 March Art/ Felix Ringel Gallery Beijing
  8502 PO Box, 798 Art Zone,
  2 JiuXian Qiao Road, ChaoYang District 100015 Beijing China
  T/F: +86 10 8096 9200
  E : marchinart@gmail.com
  March Art gallery

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