客廳——朱隸 張君鋼 雙人攝影展
Living Room — Photographs by Zhu Li and Zhang Jungang
策展人: 朱隸
Curator: Zhu Li
主辦: 導藝術空間
Organizer: The Artistic Island
藝術家: 朱隸 張君鋼
Artist: Zhu Li Zhang Jungang
開幕: 2008年5月1日 下午3點
Opening: 1 May 2008,3pm
展期: 2008年5月1日--5月20日
Venue: 1-20 May,2008
地址:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路4號798藝術區 導藝術空間
Address: The Artistic Island,Gate No.4,798 Art Zone,Jiuxianqiao Road Chaoyang Dst,Beijing
E-mail: tim.wom@126.com cat1fish2@hotmail.com
Tel: +8610-64315781 +86 13811138798
我接觸得到的都是表面的東西,那是我體驗的范疇. ----張君鋼
I can only touch the surface of the world, and I experience my life in this way.——Zhang Jungang
并非理念或論述,影象,直接表現生命本身的面貌. ----朱隸
Instead of theories and arguments,Optical impression can display the original feature of the life.——Zhu Li
"客廳",私人空間內的開放性場所.這時我們做的是這樣一件事,把照片掛在墻上,以私人的立場創作,以私人的方式陳列,也期待以私人的態度被接收. ——朱隸
The definition and appearance of photographing, as well as the relationship between the photography works and art, are independent from the creation. As young creators, Zhu Li and Zhang Jungang can follow closely their self-perception, focus on the life itself and try to find a spontaneous life system concerning the essence.
In an exhibition, the creators can present the original simplest sense and show us a vision of the life.
“Living room”, an open place located in the private space. We put the pictures on walls, creating and displaying all works in a private way, while looking forward that it can be recognized and accepted in private attitudes. ——Zhu Li