《金字塔與蛋》 Pyramids and Egg Axis 250X350cm 2007 布面油畫
題 目: “自行車,金字塔與蛋”—— O的旅程 藝術家:布萊恩?馬克法蘭 (美國) 策展人:武東東 展 期 : 2008/03/16~2008/04/16 地 址: 渡那國際藝術中心 網 址:www.ferryart.com.cn TITLE:"Bicycles,Pyramids and Egg Axis" —a Circular Journey ARTIST:Bryan McFarlane(American) CURATOR: Wu Dongdong TIME : 2008/03/16~2008/04/16 ADD: Ferry Art International Center Http:www.ferryart.com.cn??
關于Bryan藝術展評論——美國波士頓國家黑人藝術家博物館館長Edmund Barry Gaither
O的旅程藝術展——駐中國牙買加大使Wayne McCook
馬薩諸塞大學的教授布萊恩?馬克法蘭(Bryan Mcfarlane)先生堅持通過視覺、嗅覺、觸覺和味覺等感官體驗來獲得靈感,并非僅僅是通過書籍。他到處旅行,到訪過南美,歐洲,非洲,土耳其和伊朗。此次展覽的作品中豐富的元素源于他在中國的感受。
布萊恩?馬克法蘭 (Bryan McFarlane)經常在世界各地舉辦展覽,此次展覽是布萊恩先生首次來華展出。在2008年,布萊恩?馬克法蘭將通過他的藝術作品與中國文化進行交流與聯接。
渡那國際藝術中心 策展人--武東東
Mr. Bryan McFarlane is an associate professor of painting and drawing at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. He insist on finding inspirations through visual, smell, touch and taste and other sensory. He gets resources not only through books but also travelling. He had been visited South America, Europe, Africa, Turkey, and Iran etc. The recent works of him in this exhibition enrich the elements stemmed from his experience in China.
The paintings of Mr. Mcfarlane are rich in thick colour and strong brushstrokes. Sometimes we can see a little bit fantastic light pink or cobalt blue. And also, it reveals some deeper meanings in the fields of philosophical dimensions. Circles have always run through this exhibition: it refers to circulating, reincarnation and also infinity...
"Bicycles, Pyramids and Egg Axis--A Circular Journey" shows the latest works of Bryan. We can see many circular figures in the paintings. Sometimes they appear as canon balls, such as the paining "Unexploded", some of them are in the form of "eggs" in the painting "Boiling". The wheels of the bicycles in the "Bicycle Blues" are also displaying the circular figures.
Many works, we could see the circular objects, some of the "shells" of the image, such as "unexploded ordnance" Some of these are "egg" in the form of performance, such as "boiling," there are some as a broken bicycle tire display, such as "Bicycle Blues."
The canon balls appear time and time again in Bryan's paintings.They are the representative of the colonial era in the ideological and cultural aspects of the invasion. The countless eggs represent gestation, development and incubation of recycling. The wheels of bicycle refers to forward, development, and continually advance... The installation works are expressing the same idea as the paintings in different words
Bryan McFarlane usually holds exhibitions in the world .The present exhibition is the first solo-show for Bryan McFarlane. At 2008, he will carry on exchanges through his works with Chinese culture .
Curator of Ferry Art International Center--Wu Dongdong