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漢雅軒畫廊 鄭端祥攝影展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-02-29 09:17:33 | 文章來源: 美術同盟







??????? 鄭端祥的照片不是簡單的瞬間記錄,他拍攝的過程如同迷路者在黑暗中的探視與搜尋;或者說,那是一種描畫,是從黑暗中拓印出現實的肌理。鄭端祥在黑暗中精心地搭建起一座光之劇場,在這個午夜的劇場中,一切都隱藏在黑暗之中,事物在燈光的凝視中顯像,星星點點,如同失落的記憶在漸漸浮現。我們生命中那些走失的時間躲藏隱匿在許多不起眼的事物之間,偶然之間,我們會在這些事物的導引下,與逝去的時間再度相遇。在鄭端祥的新作《失憶》系列中,所有顯示出來的事物都只不過是記憶復活的道具,在這里,記憶就是影像。對鄭端祥來說,照片不是實時的影像,當物體在影像中消失之前,它銘刻下負片曝光的那個時刻,這就是現實消失、影像得以存在的時刻。因此,攝影不只是觀看,更重要的,它是記憶,并且因這記憶制造出一個個新的凝望之客體。那在光芒的凝視中被莫名召喚回來的記憶,凝成了一張圖像,如同時間容器中的一場表演,而在那些光亮之外,在黑暗的更加盛大的凝視中,世間萬物因而變得神秘、傷感起來。


Photography by ZHENG Duanxiang

Meet the artist on 7th March (Friday) 6 – 8 pm

Exhibition until 26th March, 2008

Opening hours: (Mon-Fri) 10am – 6:30pm

(Sat) 10am – 6pm

Hanart T Z Gallery

202 Henley Building, 5 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

T: 2526-9019 F: 2521-2001 www.hanart.com tzchang@hanart.com

The photographs of Zheng Duanxiang are not a simple record of moments in time. His manner of taking photos is much the same as that of a lost person trying to find their way in the dark; or to put it another way, a depiction that reveals the flesh and bones of reality in the dark. In this darkness, Zheng Duanxiang has carefully constructed a theater of light. In this midnight theater, everything is concealed in darkness. Under the glare of light the shape of objects becomes clear; bits and pieces, like the gradual recovery of lost memories. The lost hours of our lives are hidden in a multitude of insignificant objects. On chance occasions we will be guided by these objects to once again encounter those lost hours. In Zheng Duanxiang’s new series, Amnesia, all revealed objects are nothing but props for restoring memory. Here, memories are images. To Zheng Duanxiang, photographs are not instant images. Before the object disappears into an image, it has been engraved with the moment when the negative is exposed. This is the moment when reality disappears and image comes into being. Therefore, photography is not only observation; more importantly, it is memory, and it is this memory that created many new objects presently gazing back at you. The memories that have been called back involuntarily by the staring light become images; like a show performed within a time capsule. However, in the dark, those myriad beings beyond the light are subject to increasingly close scrutiny, thereby making them mysterious and mournful.


Cement Factory NO. 1
時間橫截面之工廠系列Cross Sections of Time Ⅲ NO.3


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