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[專稿] 王魯炎:整體的背面

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-01-30 13:21:50 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  網址: www.joyart-beijing.com




  WANG LUYAN: The Other Side of Totality
  Curator: Liu Ding
  Opening: 3pm, Saturday, January 26, 2008
  Exhibition Dates: January 26 – March 26, 2008

  Venue: JoyArt, Zone D, 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxian Qiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,


  Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm, Tuesday – Sunday
  Tel: +86 10 81679255
  Email: joyart@yahoo.cn
  Website: www.joyart-beijing.com
  Actively engaged in China’s avant-garde art movement since the late 1970s, Wang was deeply involved with the New Measurement Group, a three-member initiative of Conceptual artists that existed from 1988 to 1995. Introducing the rules of analytic geometry into their practice, the New Measurement Group explored the possibilities of communicating experiences and perceptions through quantities and measurements as opposed to erratic individuality. A trained mechanical engineer, Wang Luyan’s individual practice has stemmed from his fascination with mechanical design but more importantly, the potential complex and paradoxical relationship of all kinds as embodied in the intricate makeup of machinery. In his series of minimalist paintings and masculine mechanical sketches, Wang Luyan exposes the inner designs of sawing machines, guns, tanks, screws, wristwatches, scissors, bicycles and so on and incorporates his alterations and manipulations into these designs to suggest thorny international political relationships as well as more general situations where forces from all sides contain and implicate each other.

  JoyArt presents Wang Luyan’s conceptual project, “Wang Luyan: The Other Side of Totality”.

  “Totality” should imply integrity, meticulousness, the inclusion of everything without a single omission, thus it rejects another side to existence. The “totality” in our title speaks of a totality that we are capable of recognizing, this “totality” that we are capable of discerning is, in actuality, a partial “totality”. This version of “totality” exists in a realm that we cannot touch––the “other side”. In fact, by no means will we ever be able to discern the “total” appearance of things, to be precise: the “essence” of things. Our process of understanding “totality” is the never-ending process of making contact with the “other side”, even though we are quite possibly forever at distance from it. There is no such thing as one world, one reality, or one right way of saying something; we live in parallel worlds and a parallel reality. “The Other Side of Totality” discusses the issue of cognition, it proposes a new understanding of mankind’s perceptions, it is the body located in this world, but maintaining a consciousness and curiosity for the “other world”.

  In “The Other Side of Totality” Wang Luyan constructs an enlarged microscopic world: on the four walls of the exhibition space, he uses methods of mechanized composition and style to portray repetitive patterns made by the wheels of a tank, he covers the entire 10 meter height of the four exhibition walls. On the exhibition floor he uses concrete to create a partial sphere. No matter what point on the floor you are standing in, or from which angle you are viewing, you can only view it in partiality. The geometric shapes of these fragments are pulled out of their specific position; their enlargement and abstraction causes us to lose our specific reference scheme. The protuberance of the sphere changes the viewers’ approach. In actuality, we exist on a spherical globe, but its scale gives the illusion of living on a flat surface. The artist then constructs a sphere on this convex shape, using microscopic methods to enhance our everyday experiences, a physical approach that seems to create a possibility for understanding the world. Perhaps the other side will forever escape our consciousness, but surpassing limits of understanding and self-limitations will nevertheless forever be a possibility. Perhaps we will never see the dark side of the moon, but this shouldn’t stop us from forever trying to imagine, deduce, get closer to, or look off in the distance for “another world”.

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