




時間:   2016-10-28 00:52:48    |   來源:    藝術中國
展訊 >




展覽地點:北京民生現代美術館 一層主展廳

地址:中國北京市朝陽區酒仙橋北路9號 恒通國際創新園C7

開 幕 式 :2016年11月4日(星期五) 下午3時

開幕演出:2016年11月4日(星期五) 下午4時




???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ——巫鴻




在藝術創作的方式上,鄔建安一直通過綜合性的材料和形式語言探索,從多個層面建構傳統與當代的轉換與融合。近年來,他專注于以當代的視角對經中西方經典文學、宗教和哲學文本進行重新解讀,發掘其中潛藏的有關當代社會和文化現實的問題,建立其與個體精神世界的聯系,形成極富風格性和表現力的藝術表達。 策展人巫鴻在本次展覽的前言中寫道:“鄔建安的想象力總在幾個維度上同時進行,他的作品也總在幾個維度上同時刺激和擴展人們的藝術想象。他游走于文字和圖像之間,在抽象與具象之上又加上一個敘事維度。他擺脫單純的視覺和觀看,因此引入了聲音和演出。他馳騁于古今之間,把當下的人們在瞬息間帶往詭譎奇邈的洪荒時代。他跨越媒材和風格:繪畫、雕塑、剪紙、裝置提供給他多樣的語匯,但同時激起跨界、綜合、打亂、超越的欲望。”




“征兆是一種非常特別的東西,它們可以被理解為‘天人感應’的重要訊息,也可以被認定為推動權力運作和制度革新的有力工具;它們既是對未來的預警或祝福,也是集體意愿凝聚幻化的現實景觀。在我們國家悠久的歷史歲月之中,征兆的故事此起彼伏,數不勝數,它們的生命力寄存在我們的血脈里,在今人執著的念想或不經意的呼喚中閃爍、現身,成為眼前的實在,并將對似乎寫定的未來構成顛覆的威脅,或者在未來身上撕扯出一條分叉的歧路。征兆是人的選擇。” ——鄔建安







??? 鄔建安,1980 年生于北京。 2005 年畢業于中央美術學院,獲碩士學位并留校任教,現為中央美術學院實驗藝術學院副教授,碩士生導師,中國美協實驗藝委會委員,文化部恭王府中華傳統技藝研究與保護中心研究員。他的作品曾先后在福岡亞洲藝術博物館、林肯郡博物館、中央美術學院美術館、華盛頓肯尼迪藝術中心、恭王府、波士頓美術館、紐約大都會藝術博物館等機構展出,并在北京、上海、紐約、新加坡等地舉辦多次個人藝術作品展。


????巫鴻,1994年獲哈佛大學美術史學終身教授職位,后受聘主持芝加哥大學亞洲藝術的教學和研究項目。2002年建立芝加哥大學東亞藝術研究中心并出任該中心主任。2016年出任OCAT研究中心(北京館)執行館長。他的著作《武梁祠:中國古代畫像藝術的思想性》(The Wu Liang Shrine: The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art, 1989譯本由三聯書店出版)獲全美亞洲學年會最佳著作獎,《中國古代美術和建筑中的紀念碑性》(Monumentality in Early Chinese Art and Architecture, 1995)獲評《選擇》(Choice)雜志“1996年杰出學術出版物”及《藝術論壇》(Art Forum)“20世紀90年代最有意義的藝術學著作”,《重屏:中國繪畫的媒介和表現》(The Double Screen :Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting,1996)獲全美最佳美術史著作提名。

Omens: Recent Works by Wu Jian’an?Curator: Wu Hung?Exhibition Date: November 4 – December 11, 2016 Venue: Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, First Floor Location:Universal Creative Park C7 No.9 Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Opening Reception: November 4, 2016, 3:00 pm Opening Performace: November 4, 2016, 4:00 pm Performance Group: Xiao He (Sound design, performer), Wen Wen(co-ordinator), Xiong Xiong Work (Sound design, performer), Wei Junjie (Sound design, performer)

? Beijing Minsheng Art Museum presents: Omens: Recent Works by Wu Jian’an from November 4 to December 11, 2016. Curated by Wu Hung, this is the first comprehensive solo museum exhibition of the artist’s work, and is co-sponsored by China Minsheng Bank and Minsheng Art Museum, and assisted by Chambers Fine Art.

Wu Jian’an was born in 1980 in Beijing, graduated with MFA from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005 and became a lecturer at CAFA. Currently he is the Associate Professor and graduate student supervisor in the Department of Experimental Art at CAFA. His work has been exhibited at numerous institutions including the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Museum of Lincolnshire Life, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

In Wu Jian’an’s early works, he used traditional Chinese paper-cut techniques to illustrate mythical and philosophical concepts from both the East and West with his own imaginative, contemporary style. This exhibition not only presents works made using this medium and style, but also shows more recent works with expanded themes and materials. Wu Hung states that: “Wu Jian’an’s imagination has always operated simultaneously in multiple dimensions. Likewise, his works simultaneously expand the viewer’s artistic imagination in various directions. He travels between words and images while adding a layer of storytelling above figuration and abstraction. He introduces sound and performance to break away from mere visuals and viewing. He freely traverses temporal divides, instantaneously taking viewers from today’s world back to mysterious primeval times. His art spans various media and styles: painting, sculpture, paper cut, and installation, all of which provide him with a varied vocabulary yet also arouse his desire to cross boundaries – to integrate, transgress and disarrange.”

In describing the overall theme of the exhibition, Wu Hung states “Omens are mythical. They are occurrences of strange phenomena that portend major events, either natural disaster or dynastic change, or even the end of humankind and the earth. The concept and logic of omens transcend cultural and geographical spheres; their language is that of ancient scientific theory and political philosophy. In all such cases, omens involve the imagination of the unknown and the future. From this perspective, it is worth considering the relationship between omens and art, especially contemporary art, because art is always related to imagination, and true contemporary art always aims to create a trajectory to the unknown and the future.”

Interpreted in this way, this exhibition establishes a unique link between contemporary thinking and the mythical world. Each of the four themes presented here are rooted in ancient Chinese legends: the headless giant Xingtian who fought against the Supreme Divinity, grotesque animals that make strange sounds from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the catastrophic ending of the boy assassin Mei Jianchi, and the Money Trees of the Han dynasty that have inspired Wu Jian’an’s Daydream Forest. Like cultural genes, these stories and characters have been passed down through history and reborn in Wu’s art.