【7、優秀的設計經得起歲月的考驗。Good Design is durable.】它使產品避免成為短暫時尚反而看上去永遠都不會過時。和時尚設計不同的是,它會被人們接受并使用很多年,甚至是在當今被一次性商品充斥的社會。 It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated.
(620椅子, 1962,Dieter Rams for為Vitsoe公司設計)
【8、優秀的設計是考慮周到并且不放過每個細節的。 Good Design is thorough to the last detail.】 任何細節都不能敷衍了事或者懷有僥幸心理。設計過程中的悉心和精確是對消費者的一種尊敬。 Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user.
(ET 66 計算器, 1987,Dietrich Lubs為博朗公司設計。)