1950年生于墨西哥。墨西哥國立大學畢業,她現為畫家。曾參加2004年Queretaro城市博物館美展、2006年墨西哥Sinaloa當代美術館展覽、2007年墨西哥“Manuel Felguerez”抽象美術館展覽等。
Guadalupe Morazua?was born in 1950 in Mexico. She graduated from National Autonomous University of Mexico. Now she is independent visual artist. She has participated in exhibitions in Queretaro’s City Museum, Mexico in 2004; in Contemporary Art Museum of Sinaloa, Mexico in 2006; in Abstract Art Museum”Manual Felguerez”, Mexico and so on.
The artwork represents the competitive spirit,I represent figures of Olympic athletes in competition.