看得見“風景”的畫廊——對話·2008·影像中國 The gallery with Views——Conversation?2008?China in Images 策展人:那日松 Curator: Na Risong 時間:6月28-8月30日 地點:映藝術中心/映畫廊 攝影作為藝術?還是藝術作為攝影? 從上世紀90年代開始,在中國的影像領域就一直并存著兩種“攝影”方式,一個是所謂“當代藝術攝影”(也曾經叫“觀念攝影”),一個就是所謂“傳統攝影”。 這兩類攝影方式曾經水火不容,在2002年的平遙國際攝影節更是有過激烈的辯論,劍拔弩張。 今天,這兩類“攝影”方式已經和平共處,可謂“你中有我,我中有你”。 曾經的“紀實攝影”和“老照片”也都在近年閃耀出經典的藝術光輝,成為拍賣市場上新的寵兒。 某位大師曾經說過,馴服攝影最好的方式,就是使之成為“藝術”。 現在,到底藝術終于馴服了攝影?還是攝影終于馴服了藝術? 也許,在這場名為“對話?2008?影像中國”的影像大展中你可以找到一些答案。 參展藝術家: 呂楠、張大力、王文瀾、黃成江、羅浩、鄭連杰、邢丹文、徐勇、黑明、王彤、任署林、呂小中、王福春、馮建國、金平、高媛、EMI、朱巖、王征、劉家祥、于翔、王剛、阿魯斯、雅戈、王淋、朱捍東、區志航、周展等20多位實力派攝影家和影像新銳,將共同為我們呈現一道像藍天高原般壯觀的“中國風景”。 Photography as art, or art as photography? There have been two schools of photography existing in Chinese Photographic circles since 1990's. One is the contemporary art Photography, also known as the conceptual Photography. Another is the classic Photography. For years, these two schools have been competing fiercely for the dominant position. In 2002, the argument was broken out during the Pingyao International Photography Festival. It generated a tension between these two schools. However, today the two schools co-exist peacefully. One embraces the other with passion. Even documentary images and vintage photographs from early ages have become the treasures in the art market. Said a critic, the best way to appreciate photography is to make it art. Now, has art honored photography, or photography honored art? Maybe, you are able to find the answers to this question in the exhibition Conversation?2008?China in Images. Artists: Lu Nan, Zhang Dali, Wang Wenlan, Huang Chengjiang, Luo Hao, Zheng Lianjie, Xing Danwen, Xu Yong, Hei Ming, Wang Tong, Ren Shulin, Lv Xiaozhong, Wang Fuchun, Feng Jianguo, Jin Ping, Gao Yuan, Emi, Zhu Yan, Wang Zheng, Liu Jiaxiang, Yu Xiang, Wang Gang, A Lusi, Ya Ge, Wang Lin, Zhu Handong,Ou Zhihang,Zhou Zhan. |