
精典藝術 主流聲音 您的位置: 首頁>繪畫


藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-04-27 17:55:08 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


    Mindscape of the 21st Century

    April 25 ? May 24 2009

    Vernissage: 6-9pm Sat. 25th April



    開幕酒會:2009年4月25日 星期六 晚6-9時

    Curated by Bright Treasure Art Projects (Curator: Heejin No) | 策展人:盧熙珍 (倫敦Bright Treasure 藝術工程)

    Artists: Lydia Hyuk Kwon, Junghyun Yoo, Eemyun Kang, Hayoung Kim | 藝術家:姜淋允,金夏榮,權赫,劉正賢

    Contact: Andrew James andrewjamesart@hotmail.com l | 聯系:王靜 artjing@gmail.com

    Venue: Andrew James Art, 39, North Maoming Road, Shanghai, CHINA | 地址:上海市茂名北路39號 安杰當代藝術畫廊

    (11:00am ~ 07:00pm, Tue-Sun)


    "Mindscape of the 21st Century" focuses on the visual presentation of mind-map of artists of what Korean Contemporary Art is in the millennium. In the Western concept ‘mind’ is inner-activities happening in your brain or head but in the Eastern concept; ‘mind’ is inner activities happening both in your head and heart. Therefore this group exhibition is very much about what Korean artists think and feel.

Lydia Hyuk Kwon_250 inspired words_thread, pin, epoxy_12x26,46,70,79cm_dimensions variable(each)_2009

Lydia Hyuk Kwon_Inspired code_(4works)_acrylic, Fabric on canvas_60x 46cm_2008-2009


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