展覽地點:北京798藝術區2號院入口內10M 西岸當代藝術俱樂部
??????? 《中國病人——陳宗光、薛君寧、何瑋明、蘇上舟繪畫聯展》將于2007年12月29日至2008年2月3日在北京798藝術區2號院入口內10M 的“西岸當代藝術俱樂部”舉行。《中國病人》作為西岸當代藝術俱樂部的開幕展,隆重推出四位極具學術潛力的優秀畫家。他們各自荒誕的畫面,均將焦點對準生活于當代情境中的“人”,集中表達了藝術家對現時代“人”的唏噓、同情、悲哀、自省與批判。
Chinese Patients: Joint Painting Exhibition of Chen Zongguang, Xue Junning, He Weiming and Su Shangzhou” is scheduled to be held from December 29, 2007 to February 3, 2008 at the West-bank Contemporary Art Club, located at 10 meters inside the entrance of the 2nd Yard of the 798 Art District in Beijing. As the debut exhibition of this club, Chinese Patients strongly recommends four potential artists, as well as their separate absurd paintings, with the common focus on MAN in the contemporary world. From their artistic expression of lamenting, sympathizing, self-reflecting and self-criticizing towards contemporary MAN. Curator: Duan Jun Opening Reception: 15:00, December 29, 2007