由奧克威·恩維佐掌舵的,主題為“世界的未來(All the World’s Future)”的2015年威尼斯雙年展近日公布了參展藝術家名單,共有來自全球53個城市的136位重量級藝術家入選。
Jumana Emil Abboud
B. 1971 Palestine, Lives And Works In Jerusalem
Adel Abdessemed
B. 1971 Algeria, Lives And Works In Paris
Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc
B. 1977 France, Lives And Works In Metz
Founded 2010 Syria/Palestine, Live And Work In Damascus
Boris Achour
B. 1966 France, Lives And Works In Paris
Terry Adkins
B. 1953 - D. 2014, United States
Saadane Afif
B. 1970 France, Lives And Works In Berlin
Chantal Akerman
B. 1950 Belgium, Lives And Works In Paris
John Akomfrah
B. 1957 Ghana, Lives And Works In London
Karo Akpokiere
B. 1981 Nigeria, Lives And Works In Lagos And Berlin
Mounira Al Solh
B. 1978 Lebanon, Lives And Works In Beirut And Amsterdam
Meri? Algün Ringborg
B. 1983 Turkey, Lives And Works In Stockholm
Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla
B. 1974 United States, B. 1971 Cuba, Live And Work In San Juan
Kutlug Ataman
B. 1961 Turkey, Lives And Works In London
Maja Bajevic
B. 1967 Bosnia, Lives And Works In Paris And Sarajevo
Ernesto Ballesteros
B. 1963 Argentina, Lives And Works In Buenos Aires
Sammy Baloji
B. 1978 Democratic Republic Of Congo, Lives And Works In Lubumbashi And Brussels
Rosa Barba
B. 1972 Italy, Lives And Works In Berlin
Georg Baselitz
B. 1938 Germany, Lives And Works In Munich
Eduardo Basualdo
B. 1977 Argentina, Lives And Works In Buenos Aires
Petra Bauer
B. 1970 Sweden, Lives And Works In Stockholm
Walead Beshty
B. 1976 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In Los Angeles
Huma Bhabha
B. 1962 Pakistan, Lives And Works In Poughkeepsie
Christian Boltanski
B. 1944 France, Lives And Works In Paris
Monica Bonvicini
B. 1965 Italy, Lives And Works In Berlin
Sonia Boyce
B. 1962 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In London
Daniel Boyd
B. 1982 Australia, Lives And Works In Sydney
Ricardo Brey
B. 1955 Cuba, Lives And Works In Gent
Marcel Broodthaers
B. 1924 - D. 1976, Belgium
Tania Bruguera
B. 1968 Cuba, Lives And Works In New York
Teresa Burga
B. 1935 Peru, Lives And Works In Lima
Keith Calhoun and Chandra Mccormick
B. 1955/B. 1957 United States, Live And Work In New Orleans
Cao Fei
B. 1978 China, Lives And Works In Beijing
Nidhal Chamekh
B. 1985 Tunisia, Lives And Works In Tunis And Paris
Olga Chernysheva
B. 1962 Russia, Lives And Works In Moscow
Tiffany Chung
B. 1969 Vietnam, Lives And Works In Ho Chi Minh City
Cooperativa Cráter Invertido
An Artistic Cooperative Founded 2011, Based In Mexico City
Creative Time Summit
A Non-Profit Organization Founded In 1974, Based In New York
Elena Damiani
B. 1979 Peru, Lives And Works In Copenhagen
Jeremy Deller
B. 1966 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In London
Thea Djordajdze
B. 1971 Georgia, Lives And Works In Berlin
Marlene Dumas
B. 1953 South Africa, Lives And Works In Amsterdam
E-Flux Journal
A Publishing Platform Founded In 2008, Based In New York
Melvin Edwards
B. 1937 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Inji Efflatoun
B. 1924 - D. 1989 Egypt
Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki
B. 1968 Germany, Lives And Works In Berlin / B. 1944 – D. 2014 Germany
Maria Eichhorn
B. 1962 Germany, Lives And Works In Berlin
Walker Evans
B. 1903 - D. 1975 United States
Harun Farocki
B. 1944 - D. 2014, Germany
Emily Floyd
B. 1972 Australia, Lives And Works In Sydney
Peter Friedl
B. 1960 Austria, Lives And Works In Berlin
Coco Fusco
B. 1960 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Marco Fusinato
B. 1964 Australia, Lives And Works In Melbourne
Charles Gaines
B. 1944 United States, Lives And Works In Los Angeles
Ellen Gallagher
B. 1965 United States, Lives And Works In Rotterdam
Ana Gallardo
B. 1958 Argentina, Lives And Works In Buenos Aires
Dora Garcia
B. 1965 Spain, Lives In Barcelona
Theaster Gates
B. 1973 United States, Lives And Works In Chicago
Isa Genzken
B. 1948 Germany, Lives And Works In Berlin
B. 1969 Russia, Lives And Works In Saint Petersburg
S?nia Gomes
B. 1948 Brazil, Lives And Works In Belo Horizonte
Katharina Grosse
B. 1961 Germany, Lives And Works In Berlin
Gulf Labor
A Transnational Coalition Of International Artists Founded In 2010
Andreas Gursky
B. 1955 Germany, Lives And Works In Düsseldorf
Hans Haacke
B. 1936 Germany, Lives And Works In New York
Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
B. 1969 Lebanon, Live And Work In Paris And Beirut
Newell Harry
B. 1972 Australia, Lives And Works In Sydney
Kay Hassan
B. 1956 South Africa, Lives And Works In Johannesburg
Thomas Hirschhorn
B. 1957 Switzerland, Lives And Works In Paris
Carsten H?ller
B. 1961 Belgium, Lives And Works In Stockholm
Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson
B. 1938 - D. 2014 / B.1938 - D. 1973 United States
Heung Soon Im
B. 1969 South Korea, Lives And Works In Seoul
Invisible Borders: Trans-African Photographers
An Artists’ Organization Founded In 2011, Based In Lagos
Tetsuya Ishida
B. 1973 – D. 2005 Japan
Ji Dachun
B. 1968 China, Lives And Works In Beijing
Isaac Julien
B. 1960 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In London
Hiwa K.
B. 1975 Iraq, Lives And Works In Berlin
Samson Kambalu
B. 1975 Malawi, Lives And Works In London
Ayoung Kim
B. 1979 South Korea, Lives And Works In Seoul
Alexander Kluge
B. 1932 Germany, Lives And Works In Munich
Emily Kame Kngwarreye
B. 1910 - D. 1996, Australia
Runo Lagomarsino
B. 1977 Sweden, Lives And Works In Stockholm And S?o Paulo
Sonia Leber and David Chesworth
B. 1959 Australia, B. 1958 United Kingdom, Live And Work In Melbourne
Glenn Ligon
B. 1960 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Gon?alo Mabunda
B. 1975 Mozambique, Lives And Works In Maputo
B. 1956 India, Lives And Works In New Delhi And Kerala
Ibrahim Mahama
B. 1987 Ghana, Lives And Works In Tamale
David Maljkovic
B. 1973 Croatia, Lives And Works In Zagreb
Victor Man
B. 1974 Romania, Lives And Works In Berlin
Abu Bakarr Mansaray
B. 1970 Sierra Leone, Lives And Works In Freetown And The Netherlands
Chris Marker
B. 1921 - D. 2012, France
Kerry James Marshall
B. 1955 United States, Lives And Works In Chicago
Helen Marten
B. 1985 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In London
Fabio Mauri
B. 1926 - D. 2009 Italy
Steve Mcqueen
B. 1969 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In Amsterdam
Naeem Mohaiemen
B. 1969 Bangladesh, Lives And Works In Dhaka And New York
Jason Moran
B. 1975 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Ivana Müller
B. 1972 Croatia, Lives And Works In Paris
Lavar Munroe
B. 1982 Bahamas, Lives And Works Between Chapel Hill, North Carolina And Washington DC
Oscar Murillo
B. 1986 Colombia, Lives And Works In London
Wangechi Mutu
B. 1972 Kenya, Lives And Works In New York
Hwayeon Nam
B. 1979 South Korea, Lives And Works In Seoul And Berlin
Bruce Nauman
B. 1941 United States, Lives And Works In New Mexico
Cheikh Ndiaye
B. 1970 Senegal, Lives And Works In New York, Dakar And Lyon
Olaf Nicolai
B. 1962 Germany, Lives And Works In Berlin
Chris Ofili
B. 1968 United Kingdom, Lives And Works In London And Trinidad
Emeka Ogboh
B. 1977 Nigeria, Lives And Works In Lagos And Berlin
Philippe Parreno
B. 1964 France, Lives And Works In Paris
Pino Pascali
B. 1935 - D. 1968, Italy
Adrian Piper
B. 1948 United States, Lives And Works In Berlin
Lemi Ponifasio
B. 1964 New Zealand, Lives And Works In Auckland
Qiu Zhijie
B. 1969 China, Lives And Works In Beijing
Raha Raissnia
B. 1968 Iran, Lives And Works In New York
Raqs Media Collective
(Narula, Monica; Bagchi, Jeebesh; Sengupta, Shuddhabrata)
A Collective Founded 1992 India, Based In New Delhi
Lili Reynaud-Dewar
B. 1975 France, Lives And Works In Grenoble
Mykola Ridnyi
B. 1985 Ukraine, Lives And Works In Kharkiv
Liisa Roberts
B. 1969 France, Lives And Works In New York, Helsinki And Saint Petersburg
Mika Rottenberg
B. 1976 Argentina, Lives And Works In New York
Joachim Sch?nfeldt
B. 1958 South Africa, Lives And Works In Johannesburg
Massinissa Selmani
B. 1980 Algeria, Lives And Works In Algiers And Tours
Fatou Kandé Senghor
B 1971 Senegal, Lives And Works In Dakar
Prasad Shetty and Rupali Gupte
B. 1974 India, Live And Work In Mumbai
Gedi Sibony
B. 1973 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Gary Simmons
B. 1964 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Taryn Simon
B. 1975 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Lorna Simpson
B. 1960 United States, Lives And Works In New York
Robert Smithson
B. 1938 - D. 1973, United States
Mikhael Subotzky
B. 1981 South Africa, Lives And Works In Johannesburg
Mariam Suhail
B. 1979 Pakistan, Lives And Works In Bangalore
Sarah Sze
B. 1969 United States, Lives And Works In New York
The Propeller Group
A Collective Founded 2006 Vietnam/US, Live And Work In Ho Chi Minh City
The Tomorrow
A Journal Founded 2014 Italy, Based In Milan
Rirkrit Tiravanija
B. 1961 Thailand, Lives And Works In New York, Berlin And Chiang Mai
Barthélémy Toguo
B. 1967 Cameroon, Lives And Works In Paris And Bandjoun
Xu Bing
B. 1955 China, Lives And Works In Beijing
Ala Younis
B. 1974 Jordan, Lives And Works In Amman